Buddy in Bat Wings
It all started last week at the dog park. People kept bringing the dogs into the park in little Halloween costumes, and Halloween...

More Dog days of summer
Now, who doesn't love ice cream on a hot summer day? I sure do. So, when I picked up our local dog publication and saw a recipe for dog...

An old and A New Friend
I am of the age where one cleans out STUFF. I have lots of STUFF. in one of my bins, I found my old horse riding breeches. I wore...

Couch Sitter
In the evenings, I sit on the couch and sew by hand. I either quilt, crochet or embroidery. When I sew on the couch, I need a place...

Dogs create Christmas joy
I saw a small blurb in a pet magazine about how to let your dogs create paintings. I decided we would give it a try, but took it a step...

Mourning in the 19th Century
As a volunteer at our local museum, I participate in the Living History Program. Yesterday our theme was 19th Century Mourning. A couple...

Fried Green Tomatoes
I came pretty late in life to love fried green tomatoes. My family did not make them, and I am kind of a big chicken when it comes to...

A better bird suet
So, you may remember a previous post where I made some bird suet from beef fat. I remember doing it, because it STUNK up my house! The...

Sending love in February
February is the month of LOVE, and sending Valentines! I saw this idea in a JoAnn's email, but the directions they gave were SO...

Christmas is for the birds
sF For many many years I have participated in the Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count. The tradition of counting birds all across North...