Dogs create Christmas joy

I saw a small blurb in a pet magazine about how to let your dogs create paintings. I decided we would give it a try, but took it a step further, and planned to make Christmas tags.
The idea behind this creation, is to use a canvas of some kind, and add blobs of paint. Then, cover this with plastic wrap and smear peanut butter onto the plastic. As the dog licks the peanut butter, the art is created. Sounds reasonable, right?

I figured I would start with some paper on the floor to protect it.
Next, a canvas. I found some paper meant to paint on. It has a canvas like texture.

Now - add some blobs of paint, some plastic wrap and peanut butter

I secured the plastic wrap on the back using some blue painters tape.
"Here Dogs!" And we begin!

This is getting messy....................

Removing the plastic

Art? Yeah... Yes indeed - ART!!

After the art dried, I cut the paper into tag shapes.
A hole punched on one end, and "To" and "From" stamped on one side, and we are DONE!

Well, that is the art I created with my dogs. Would I do this again? I don't think so. It was messy, and, well, is it really ART?

Buddy thinks he made art, and he is ready and willing to do it all again. Bring on the peanut butter!
With the project complete, Kira and Buddy would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
