A Prickly Jam
I moved to Arizona in 1979. About 20 years ago, my friend Ann (an Arizona native) gave me her recipe for Prickly Pear Jam. I make it...

Observing Nature
Keeping a journal of outdoor surroundings is not a new idea. The Victorians were crazy about all things nature. During the second half...

Prayers on the Wind
I find myself quite captivated by the sight of Buddhist Prayer Flags. I am not a Buddhist, but I really, really like the idea of prayers...

On My Honor
Girl Scouting has meant a lot to me for a long time. I was a Girl Scout as a girl, and also as an adult. I have always liked Girl Scout...

More Summer Beverages
Last summer I made a post about making Switchel, a most refreshing summer drink. In fact, there is some in my fridge right now. What I...

God Bless You
I have a small collection of lady's hankies. I say small, because I have a friend who has a MUCH larger collection than I! ( I won't...

Dogs on the Bed
I have made so many of these dog pillows, I have lost count. I bought the pattern books about 15 years ago at a quilt show. I remember...

Love These Prim' Girls!
Have you seen these primitive dolls? I saw them on Pinterest (where else?) and I really wanted one. Or three. Here are some of the...

Blown Away
Here is something I have always wanted to try - blowing out an egg, to leave an empty shell. Then, I saw these eggs on line, that people...

My Own Tiny Cathedral (Window)
Cathedral Window is actually a quilt block, but there is often no quilting involved. To me it is more of an origami sewing project. I...