Easy Christmas Card Display
M For most years I have placed my Christmas cards in a basket near the dining room. This has been nice because I can look through the...

19th Century Covid Pandemic?
As I mention in the home page of this blog, I am one of many who participate in the closest thing to time travel - Living History or Re...

Everything is Better with a Pocket
I do like pockets. When I am making a garment for myself and the pattern does not have a pocket, yeah - I add it in! So when I saw a...

"A mask tells us more than a face" - Oscar Wilde
Well, here we are at our new look! For now anyway. I am not sure if what old Oscar said is true or not, but making these masks has sure...

Painting a Quilt
I was fortunate enough to attend a workshop last month given by Suzi Parron, author of two books on barn quilts. Suzi wrote "Barn...

Home Is Where The Heart Is
Today is Groundhog Day! Whether winter goes long or short, the truth is that Valentine's Day is upon us. A few weeks ago I saw some...

A Wild Christmas
Some time ago, a friend gave me two suet logs which he had made. I considered what to put into the holes. He told me that the local bird...

A Woman of Influence
There are many women who have had an influence on me at different times of my life. Of course, my wonderful mother had the most...

A Halloween Bunny
This Bunny Costume was made by my mother in the late 1950's. Here I am wearing it. Here is my big sister wearing it. And my little...

Postcards from Far Away
I remember reading about an alternative to a travel journal. The idea was to buy a postcard each day, record your details of the day, ...