19th Century Covid Pandemic?

As I mention in the home page of this blog, I am one of many who participate in the closest thing to time travel - Living History or Re enacting. My chosen time period has to do with the area where I live. White settlers did not come to this part of Arizona until the 1860's, and since I live in the town that once was the Territorial Capitol, I participate in Living History at our local museum - living c. 1870.
Well, here we are with Covid 19, and the museum staff and volunteers are ready to restart the Living History program, but of course, with modifications to keep all as safe as possible. But what to do about masks?

Certainly we cannot wear this! I mean, elastic was not invented in 1860!
How about a bandanna?

Well, this type of a bandanna was not around until the early 20th century.
The director of our Living History program had some authentic 19th century "bandannas", and based on those, I offered to make enough for our Living History volunteers.
The real danger was that we would all look like 19th century train robbers! Well, we sort of did!
I figured I would share this with you.

First of all, a bandanna from the middle 1800s was big. I mean BIG. As large as 36" X 36". So, our director chose the fabric for me to use, and I then cut large pieces. Not all were square, and some were as small as 29", instead of the 36".

So, really, all one needs to do, is to cut a big square, and hem all sides.

To wear the protective covering, first fold into a triangle, and then tie in the back.

You can pull it up over your mouth and nose for protection (or train robbing)

Then, pull it down to your neckline when no one is around. And, after all, on a ranch in 1870 there is often no one around!