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You Say Apricot

You know how to say "apricot", right? It is said with a long "A". I know - I checked! The internet is always right! HA! I have heard it said as "ah-pricot", but apparently this is incorrect.

Anyway... i have a neighbor with a very productive apricot tree. She so generously allows me to pick all I want, and this year was no different.

So here I was with 2 pails of apricots. But, I had just finished canning cherry jam the week before, thanks to a really nice friend with a cherry tree! I have a dozen jars of cherry jam in the pantry, so I certainly did not need more jam. So what to do? I am not a real fan of canned apricots. I know this because when I have canned them in the past, I just don't eat them all up. But, my husband told me that, if I can them up, he will add them to the smoothie he has every day at lunchtime. So, can them I did.

( This is why I can.... I want to be this lady. )

But, I digress...anyway, It is my thought that most humans know how to can fruits and vegetables. If you do not, there are wonderful resources out there where you can learn about canning, and food safety. So, this is really only on the blog because the apricots, and the process of canning them, are so pretty! I love the color, it so mimics sunshine!

This is my very favorite resource for canning. I love this book. I showed it to you in 2017, but here it is again. Love this book!

If you want more information on how to can anything, check this out:

So much great information there. Also, any of the Ball Jar books are great too. I think it is important to check these resources. There are many canning recipes on line, but not all are actually SAFE for home canning. Important.

Back to the apricots : Step One: wash apricots.

These poor apricots were such a lovely color and tasted so good. But, a hail storm in May left them a bit marked up.

Next:Wash and sterilize the jars

There have been times, in years past, I have purchased that fancy canning stuff. Like a jar lifter. I have had two break. So, I am back to using these old tongs. They work great.

Also, I read some where that I no longer need to sterilize the lids. Well, I am thinking I will do that anyway. It is not hard. I mean, I have a huge canning kettle full of boiling water, so....

Next, cut the apricots in half, get the pit out, leaving the skin on. ( I love the part about the skin on, because I hate the process of taking skin off!)

The apricots have to take a short dip in lemon water. I used 1/4 cup lemon juice and four cups of water.

This is to keep them from browning as they are exposed to air.

Then, you place them upside down in the hot jars.

It wasn't really easy to get them to stay upside down in the hot jars!

Now, how pretty is that?

Meanwhile you are making a syrup with water and sugar. I used a light syrup : 6 cups of water, and 3/4 cup of sugar. You mix this on the stove top, bring it to a boil, then turn it down and keep it hot.

When all the jars of apricots are ready, you pour the hot syrup in to cover the apricots.

After that, you seal them up and process in a hot water bath for 25 minutes. Hot water bath is easiest because it does not involve using the pressure canner.

And that is how I ended the day with nine jars of apricots!

I still had more apricots. So, I gave some away to friends. I dried some, and then I made Apricot Coconut Scones. I think I have exhausted my creativity with apricots for this year!

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