A Christmas Change

When my children were young, I had fourteen large tubs in my basement, filled with Christmas décor, to be lugged up the stairs each early December, and emptied. Then the process of carefully placing objects throughout the home. I had lit garlands for every pot shelf, high above our heads. Santas placed on the hearth and throughout the home. Pillows and bedding for each bed. Large Christmas pottery pieces placed with fake holly for a dramatic entryway. There were at least seven small lit trees – one for each room and guest room. Each year I would take an entire day off work to decorate. Bring in the high ladder, up and down, up and down to place, observe, and up again to re place the garland - just so.
One year, not so long ago, I decided I was tired of the work. Just tired. What to do? I still loved the season, and the way my home looks filled with Christmas cheer. First, I decided that up and down the ladder all day was for the birds, so out with the lit garlands. Then, the large pieces had to go – donated to the thrift store. I hope that someone who loves my items has them now. I kept only one of the many small trees for the kitchen, because the kitchen and living room is where the family is mostly gathered. All other small trees had to go. The Santa collection? Donated. That year, and for the years since, the ladder is not a part of my decorating process! And the wonder of it all – not one family member noticed the change!
What did I do? I used pieces that are in my home year round. Pitchers and bowls from my cupboard replaced the large Christmas theme pottery pieces. These look just as nice when filled with outdoor pine branches. I went through my cupboards to choose red and green pieces, to be placed together in the kitchen and dining room. Red and green books from the bookcase look very festive when grouped together, and a real pine branch rests upon them. The fake holly was replaced with pine boughs from the back yard. I wrapped small (and large) boxes to look like gifts and placed these in the areas that the large Santas were.
This change in my life was filled with good news. Most of the decor does not have to be stored! "Presents" can be unwrapped and the boxes recycled at the end of the season. The pine boughs – in the fire or the composter. Put all the books and dishes back in the cupboard!

Now I have seven tubs in the basement. Yes, it is still a lot. But some things cannot be replicated. The manger set from my childhood, the lights and ornaments for the tree, I still keep one lit garland for the mantle. I like bringing up seven boxes more than 14! I don’t decorate all in one day. I work over three or four days, listening to Christmas music, and placing each item with care. I enjoy the process so much more!